Additional Services

At Honey Badger Nursery, we focus on growing highly productive trees and plants in the healthiest way possible to give them and you the best opportunity to thrive. But we don’t just stop at the growing of the plants – we also help our clients design and implement regenerative properties in the southeast U.S. through our work at Sovereign Homestead Design.

At SHD we focus on creating low-input high-yield perennial production systems that support individual, family and community sovereignty from centralized systems. When our trees and plants get planted into a well-designed landscape that functions as an intact ecosystem designed in alignment with Nature, that’s when the real compounding starts, and you see major gains in productivity while minimizing inputs of time and money.

The goal is abundance on as close to autopilot as possible.

SHD offers a range of design and implementation services to help you take your next best step towards more sovereignty in your own life.

On-Site & In-Person Design Services

Walk & Talk

4-hour site visit, you set the agenda and we focus on your highest priorities. A quick and low cost way to gain valuable perspective on designing your sustainable property in alignment with the natural patterns present in your landscape.

*requires site visit

**you will be asked to fill out the Foundational Site Assessment Questionnaire prior to the site visit so that we can be as prepared as possible.

Foundational Site Assessment

Essential site-specific work up and mapping of all the foundational background information that goes into making sound design, construction and management decisions for your homestead. See past Foundational Site Assessments in our Portfolio.

*requires site visit and completion of the Foundational Site Assessment Questionnaire prior to the site visit day(s).

Mainframe Homestead Design

Whole-property optimization for water and access patterning, structure siting and orientation, and recommended selection, placement and management of living systems to create a landscape that is default abundant – mapped out in high-res so you know the what, why, how and when to make it all happen. See past Mainframe Designs in our Portfolio.

*requires site visit, and completion of your Minimum Holistic Goal, the Foundational Site Assessment and the Mainframe Homestead Design Questionnaire.

Remote & Virtual Design Services

Virtual Property Design Review

1-hour video call to discuss the mainframe layout of your property. We will cover whole-site water and access patterning; siting, orientation and construction of homes and outbuildings; selection, design and management of living systems; and integration of regenerative energy systems, and anything else particularly relevant to your landscape.

*no site visit required

**you will be asked to fill out the Foundational Site Assessment Questionnaire prior to the call so that we can be as prepared as possible.

Custom Contour Base Map Development

Custom base map development to aid the design and development of your homestead into your multi-generation family heirloom property. Includes contour, aspect, hillshade, and slope layers, custom sized .jpeg/PDF files for printing posters, and a Google Earth .kml file for 3D viewing in Google Earth Pro. See base maps from past projects in our Portfolio.

*no site visit required

Implementation Services

When its time for shovels to hit soil, we can help you get the big picture right to allow Nature to do the heavy lifting.


Water patterning is the foundation for every successful homestead design. Getting your land right with the water that falls on it and moves through it is the key to tapping into the immense generative power of Nature.


The location of mainframe access is patterned around existing water flows to maximize year-round functionality and minimize maintenance time and costs. Aligning these factors to support the function of the whole system is the key to efficient movement throughout your landscape.

  • Vehicle Access
    • New low-standard road patterning – terraces, ridge roads and road swales.
    • Low-standard road remodeling – drainage modifications to enhance road function while also halting any associated erosion damage and improving the surrounding hydrology.
  • Pedestrian Access
    • Semi-hardscape, softscape and bioscape along with drainage elements.


By integrating time-tested natural building methods with appropriate modern materials and some basic DIY engineering, we can build healthy, comfortable, safe and affordable homes and structures that will become multi-generational assets.

Living Systems

The greater the life expression capacity of your landscape, the greater your ability to live healthy, wealthy and free will be.